Core Confidence

A Guide to Strengthening Your Core and Pelvic Floor Through Motherhood

Doing random exercises like 100 crunches a day or Kegels every time you sit down isn't going to help you get a flatter tummy, and in some cases, these exercises can actually make your core worse.

Inside this guide, you'll discover the 3 ESSENTIAL core tips you need to know in order to have a strong and functional core.
"Thanks so much for providing this guide!! I am so glad I found you!"
- Christin W.

Who Am I?

I’m Victoria, and I’m the founder of Fit To Her Core.

I help moms to get strong and heal their bodies, so they can safely return to the activities they love doing with confidence!
I want the best for you, and I’m tired of seeing moms receiving poor postpartum recovery advice, and dealing with injuries that are entirely preventable, prolapse that worsens months after birth, abdominal separation that just won't heal, and nagging back and hip pain from simply lifting your kiddos.
Some of the common mistakes I see with women trying to get back into shape after baby is doing endless crunches and sit-ups to get rid of their mommy pooch. This can make an abdominal separation (aka Dastasis Recti) even worse and significantly decrease your overall core strength.
Some of the common mistakes I see with women trying to get back into shape after baby is doing endless crunches and sit-ups to get rid of their mommy pooch. This can make an abdominal separation (aka Dastasis Recti) even worse and significantly decrease your overall core strength.
Along with the endless amounts of sit-ups and crunches, many moms are doing jumping exercises and high-intensity workouts that promise to burn the baby fat like yesterday!🙄
Unfortunately, without a solid foundation of core strength and function, these programs can cause significant harm to both your abs and pelvic floor.
My goal is to help you build lasting core strength and function without getting hurt. That’s why I started my online coaching programs to help moms safely prepare for pregnancy, labor, and delivery as well as recover postpartum. I want every mom to have the solid and vital postpartum recovery education and support that I never had after my first pregnancy.
I want you to know that I get you and understand many of the same struggles that you’re going through with your body right now because I’ve been through many of the same as well:  
  • Wanting to feel like yourself again in your postpartum body.
  • ​​Dealing with abdominal separation after all three of my pregnancies. 
  • ​​​Being confused about how to safely rehab my core after pregnancy and get my abs back.

I'm not only women's fitness specialist, I'm also a mom. I know exactly what you're going through because I’ve been there too!



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