$379.00 USD

6 monthly payments

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Concierge Accountability Membership

Who is this program best suited for?

  • Those seeking 1:1 coaching
  • Prefer a customized program
  • Highly motivated and ready for a lifestyle change
  • Want a personalized nutrition plan
  • Value 1:1 time with their coach
  • Ready to level up their mindset and habits


  • Fit To Her Core Foundations Core & Pelvic Floor Restrengthening Program

    This program is ideal for any mom, whether you're newly postpartum (up to one year), aiming to heal Diastasis Recti or pelvic floor weaknesses, looking to build a core strength foundation for more intense activities, or returning to exercise at any stage of motherhood.

  • Fit To Her Core 4-Week Jumpstart: This the onboarding program for moms who:
    • Have finished a core rehab-like program)
    • Do not have diastasis, or your diastasis is functional.
    • Can manage pressure in their core and do not leak during activity.
    • Are ready for a challenging core program that is still DR safe.  
  • Monthly Workout Plans: Four to six days a week with strength training, HIIT, cardio, core, and mobility.
  • Custom Exercises: Includes corrective exercises based on movement assessments.
  • App Features: View daily programming, leave feedback, and communicate with Victoria.


  • Monthly Meal Suggestions: Monthly meal options to help take the guesswork and stress out of what to eat every day.
  • Personalized Macros: Exact  grams of proteins, carbs, and fats with adjustments as needed.
  • Healthy Habits: Focus on portion control and better nutrition habits.
  • Flexibility: Enjoy a variety of foods without restriction.


  • CONNECTED TO HER CORE Personal Growth Program: Reconnect with your own identity outside of being 'mom' and get your spark and sense of self back.
  • RESILIENT TO HER CORE Emotional Strength Program: Say goodbye to stress and overwhelm, and hello to happiness and improved emotional management.
  • NURTURED TO HER CORE Self-Love Program: Learn radical self-love, elevate your self-confidence and self-worth, and embrace the beauty of nurturing yourself.
  • RENEWED TO HER CORE Meditation Collection: Calm your mind, soothe your body, and find peace amidst the beautiful chaos of motherhood.


  • Workout Logging: Log your workouts daily and leave notes for Victoria.
  • Food Logging: Log your food daily for weekly review.


  • Initial Session: 30-minute onboarding session to discuss goals, lifestyle, and movement assessments.
  • Weekly Calls: 15-minute 1:1 Zoom coaching calls with Victoria. Schedule in advance; 24-hour notice required for cancellations.


  • Weekly Coaching Call: Exclusive to VIP/CONCIERGE members, with recordings available.


  • Fit To Her Core Community: Connect with other women, share wins, struggles, recipes, and more.
  • Continuous Support: Victoria is with you every step of the way.

"Incredible change happens when you decide to take control over what you do have power over instead of craving control over what you don’t."